There are really very few reasons why you might have landed on this website (because I can assure you, neither Google nor SEO brought you here):
- I’ve given you a pencil, which most likely means we’ve worked together, possibly on some shoot, where I tend to give them out the most.
- Someone’s told you about me and what I can do, the contacts I have, and the (almost) impossible connections I make.
- A musical group or artist I represent or produce has told you that I secure many gigs, events, or commissions for them, or that I manage everything brilliantly for them.
- You know about ¡Ánimo, valiente! or mil esquinas (or both).
- You have come to the studio because someone gave you my contact details to rescue and/or revive a piece of clothing.
- You’ve seen my name and website in a book I’ve typeset, written, or illustrated.
- Someone mentioned that I designed their logo and corporate image.
- You clicked on the footer credit of a website I’ve written or designed (or both).
- etc...
Ummm... In the end, there actually are quite a few options. XP (If more than two of these resonate with you, congratulations, we’re likely close.)
If none of these apply, if you’ve stumbled upon this page by chance (who knows how), it’s probably best you carry on with your life as usual. After all, you haven’t needed me until now, so why would that change?
But if you’re here because of any of the reasons listed above, feel free to drop me a message below. Make sure to explain yourself as clearly as possible, so we can both be more effective.
If you're browsing my website from a computer, don't be surprised to see flashes of colour following the movement of your mouse. The same goes for the colours of the text on the website. This is my space to experiment with design and code, doing all the crazy things I fancy because, quite frankly, I can afford to. These experiments are also useful when a client asks for something out of the ordinary. There are rarely any limitations on what can be done, even on a website! Because nothing is impossible, you just have to find a way.